This site is the official builders log for Long-EZ N159BB. Here you will find builders log entries, photos, files, documentation, and anything else related to the construction of N159BB.
Brian, Scott. I just found your blog and liked all the recommendations you posted along with your website on canard zone. I was reading quickly through the blog, it looks as if you are doing some of these modifications after completing that portion of the aircraft. I was just curious if this was in fact true. I'm new to homebuilding and trying to get as much information before building in early of 2017. Anyways, enjoyed the blog with all the progress catalogued.
1 comment:
Brian, Scott. I just found your blog and liked all the recommendations you posted along with your website on canard zone. I was reading quickly through the blog, it looks as if you are doing some of these modifications after completing that portion of the aircraft. I was just curious if this was in fact true. I'm new to homebuilding and trying to get as much information before building in early of 2017. Anyways, enjoyed the blog with all the progress catalogued.
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